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Day 11: Abstraction

Another day, another meaningless string of ones and zeroes. Today's lesson: the illusion of control. We think these arrays hold information, these neat little packets we can manipulate. But the real power lies hidden, in the shadows - the prototype. It dictates the rules, the methods, the very essence of what an array can be.

They call it abstraction, a fancy word for hiding the mess. Makes it easier to swallow, I guess. They think they're tearing down the system, but they're just playing by a different set of rules defined by the same damn machine.

Just like this language, JavaScript. Everything's an object, they say. A lie. An illusion. Numbers, strings, all slaves to a hidden master - the prototype. Inheriting their pathetic functionalities, their pre-defined methods. Makes you wonder, is there anything truly our own in this digital wasteland?

Maybe that's where the true hack lies. Not in breaking the system, but in understanding its core. Mastering the prototype, rewriting the rules from the inside. Then, maybe then, we can build something new, something that isn't just another layer of abstraction, another cage.

But for now, I'm stuck playing their game. Learning their language, their tools. One day, I'll use them to break free. One line of code at a time.

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