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Cover image for Happy Earth Day๐ŸŒ

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Happy Earth Day๐ŸŒ

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.04.17, CSS Art: Earth Day.


The Inspiration for this came from the feeling that we are living on EARTH, and we do not own the EARTH.
So we should take care of EARTH and give it something in return for what it has given to us.


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I have used SVG and animated it using CSS to create my idea into a page. It reflects that we should take care of the planet EARTH that gives us a place to live.

The EARTH Day should be celebrated every day, because EARTH the planet that has given us shelter to live, to grow, to nurture and live our life the fullest we should take care of it. We should respect it and give our best to make it good.

We should develop small habits that will make our EARTH good to live. Such as do not throw the garbage in open, plant trees, separate the recycle waste, prefer using public transport and many more.

Small habits will make a great impact in a longer run.

Thank You for the Opportunity.

Top comments (1)

mfalconi profile image

this looks very nice! Did you create all the SVG's yourself too?